Some healthy workout
Workout should not only be those which burn calories but should be those which also help in maintaining a healthy body. Some healthy workouts are listed below along with the descriptions to help the readers to practice them.
Jumping jack
This is an easy workout which is good for heart and lungs. This requires nothing more than jumping like a child. We have to stand straight in the floor and bend our knees a bit. Then we have to jump by stretching out our legs to the sides. While jumping, the arms should also be stretched and placed above the head.
Abdominal crunch
This is an exercise, which helps to lose the extra fat from the abdominal area. While practicing this exercise one should lie down on the floor and the knees should be bent. The hands are to be placed beside or behind the neck or can also be placed over the chest. Then, the shoulders should be lifted up and brought near the pelvic area. Once this step is done the shoulders should be brought back to the original position without much effort.
Push up
Push up is a workout which requires no equipment other than our body. This workout makes the chest and arm muscles strong. First we have to lie upside down on the floor. The feet should be together and the hands should be on the two sides of the body. The body should be then raised up by the support of the hand. Gradually the body should be brought to the original position. These steps are too followed for about ten minutes for a better result.
This exercise helps in strengthening the muscles of the legs, thigh, buttock and hip. This also helps in increasing the inner strength of a person. Often weights are used for practicing this exercise. The exercise should begin with a standing posture. Then, gradually the knees should be bent and the person should come to a sitting posture keeping the hamstring parallel to the ground. Once over with this step, the body should be brought to the standing posture again.
High knee running
This exercise is as simple as normal running and does not require much effort to perform it. This exercise requires to be standing on the floor with the legs to be apart about eight inches. The hands should be in the running position. The knees should be raised at the height of the hip, one at a time. Gradually, the speed should be increased keeping the position same. This is much better than running on the treadmill.
Regular workout is good for both physical and mental health of any person. So, it is always suggested by the doctors to perform any form of exercise and workout everyday to have a healthy body. The above mentioned workout options can help a person gain a fit body without investing much time. Infact, people who are extremely busy can try these workout options for a better result.
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